Agreement to the Terms

In order to start your membership, you must agree to the terms and conditions.

Please read the following terms of use and click on the "Agree" button.

If you do not agree, you will not be able to register as a member. Thank you for your understanding.


Terms and conditions

About the handling of personal information on this website

The Academy of Dental Arts (hereinafter referred to as "the Academy") understands the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers. To help you understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal information on our website, (hereinafter referred to as "this website"), we have set out our policy on this page.

About personal information provided by customers themselves

In order to provide you with information about our products and services, we ask you to provide personal information such as your name, address, date of birth, gender, phone number, email address, and medical institution you belong to. In addition, we may ask for personal information other than the above for the purpose of providing information in accordance with the customer's request, etc. In this case, the customer will be asked to provide information of their own choosing, except for some required items.

About IP Addresses, Cookies and Web Beacons

For the purpose of managing this website, we collect the IP address used when your computer is connected to the Internet.

The IP addresses we collect on our web server are used only to prevent unauthorized access, to enable us to quickly identify the cause and recover from any failure of our web server, and to properly and safely manage and operate the services on our website. We do not use or disclose the IP addresses in relation to your personal information.

We also collect information about your use of our services, but we do not use or disclose this information in any way that personally identifies you. However, if we deem it necessary to protect this website or our customers, we may take measures to identify individuals by IP address.

We use cookies and web beacon technology to track your journey to our website, to record your activities on our website, and to evaluate and improve our website in order to make it more useful to you.

However, we do not use cookies or web beacon technology to record information about individual customers, so no specific customer information is stored or used. You can set your browser to refuse to accept cookies or to alert you when a cookie is sent.

In addition, we may store our cookies and serve our advertisements via third parties (or other sites) on behalf of third parties (or other sites) to whom we have entrusted the delivery of our advertisements. You can disable the use of cookies by deleting them.

About SSL (security)

In order to ensure the security of your personal information when you send us your personal information on our website, we use SSL (Secure Socket Layer: an industry standard security function that encrypts and communicates information over the Internet) to protect your personal information. If you are using an SSL-compliant browser, your personal information will be automatically encrypted and sent and received.

About the purpose of use of personal information.

The purpose of use of personal information of customers is described on each page of this website where customers register their personal information.

The organization will not use the personal information registered by the customer on each page for any purpose other than that stated on the page.

Provision to third parties and secondary use

Depending on the type of service requested by the customer on this website, the customer's personal information may be provided to a third party to the extent necessary, and in such a case, the customer will be informed of the provision of the information to the third party and will be asked for the customer's consent each time the customer applies for the relevant service. We will not disclose your personal information to a third party without your prior consent, except in the above cases (e.g., notifying your name and address to a shipping company or carrier for the purpose of sending materials when you book a seminar). However, we may disclose information without informing the customer when it is urgent to protect human life or human rights, when cooperating with a request based on laws and regulations by public institutions such as the judiciary or police, or when complying with other laws and regulations.

About personal information management.

The Organization takes strict data management measures to prevent the loss or damage of personal information provided by customers when using this website. In addition, your personal information will be kept in an environment where only the person in charge of managing this website can access it, and strict security measures will be implemented to prevent it from being leaked to third parties or altered from the outside. In the event that we outsource the operation of this website or the use and management of customers' personal information, we will strictly supervise and manage the handling of personal information by such outsourced company.

Customer Responsibility

This website may contain links to other websites; however, please check the handling of personal information on those websites on your own.

Your use of this website is at your own risk. The Organization shall not be liable for any damage arising from the use of information obtained from other websites linked to this website by using your personal information.

Inquiries from customers regarding personal information

If you have any questions about the handling of your personal information or want to make any changes, please contact us at the following We will take the necessary action after confirming that you are the customer.

Dental Arts Academy Help Desk

Compliance and improvement of laws and regulations

We will faithfully comply with all relevant laws and regulations and other standards for the protection of personal information.

The Organization may constantly review and revise the above policies and internal regulations regarding personal information. All revisions will be posted on this page.

Contact Us

Dental Arts Academy

Tel&Fax: +81-46-293-8241


Open: 9:00 to 17:00 (JST)

*Except Saturday, Sunday, National holidays

About security

This page supports SSL encrypted communication for security protection. Your information will be encrypted and sent under a complete security system.

SSL Certificate